Here Liz Pilley, an Autistic Counsellor and friend, talks about her experience of working with Neurodivergent clients. Working with Neurodivergent (ND) Clients One of my favourite things about being an autistic counsellor for clients who are autistic or have ADHD is...
Psychotherapist Resources
Understanding Queer Affirmative: What It Means and Why It Matters
Working as I do, in a queer affirmative manner, it becomes easy to task Queer and LGBTQ+ affirmative for granted. Rather like a fish does see water because it is all around them, or the way that we do not notice air… until it is not there. So I thought it would be...
Finding the Ideal CRM for My Psychotherapy Practice
Finding the Ideal CRM for My Psychotherapy Practice A slightly different slant today, as this is an article for psychotherapists setting up in practice. Finding a good way to store client data and book appointments. I have spent many years in the CRM industry,...
Pink Therapy and GSRD: Embracing Diversity in Mental Health
Pink Therapy and GSRD: Embracing Diversity in Mental Health Pink Therapy is a pioneering organisation in the UK dedicated to providing inclusive and affirmative therapeutic practices for individuals across the gender, sex, and relationship diversity (GSRD) spectrum....
Understanding Nightmares and Trauma: Dr. Justin Havens’ Dream Completion Technique
Exploring nightmares, trauma and how dream completion technique can help
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